Tag: Copyright

  • Scan This! Why copies don’t count anymore

    I usually avoid NY Times articles like the plague, largely because you have to register for them – it’s free mind you, but something about this free doesn’t seem to fit right. But this morning, an old colleague of mine sent a link to Kevin Kelly‘s new article. He’s a former editor of Wired and…

  • Canadian Music Copyright Reform

    Steven Page was quoted today by canada.com: We, as Canadian music creators, have identified three simple principles that should guide copyright reform and cultural policy.- First, we believe that suing our fans is destructive and hypocritical. We do not want to sue music fans, and we do not want to distort the law to coerce…

  • Cartooned Sucess^3!

    Last term, I lamented about students not cartooning their storyboards, so this time around, I made that a requirement to get their cameras. And I was surprised that even though there was some initial delays while the stick figures were being scrawled out how much time it saved. Even more so that the students were…

  • Music fan to MPA – But Google’s doing it.

    A couple days ago, I posted that the MPA was going after sites that were posting lyrics and tabs, citing that it was infringement. But now, I see that Google is going to be doing, much the same thing(blog). Will the MPA go after Google? Perhaps not because there are direct links to places to…

  • Now licks aren’t legal

    I just saw this on the way out today – Lyrics and Tabs are illegal. Life may just have got harder for many millions of people now who teach and learn music. I understand property rights are important, but really, there has got to be a line somewhere – and hopefully that line will allow…