Tag: Conference

  • ELearn 2005 – Tuesday Morning

    The first session that I went to was on online professional development. What they found in their study was what many already know – teachers don’t have enough time while learning and enough support after learning to implement anything that they may have gained from professional development seminars. They found no difference between many factors…

  • ELearn 2005 – Before the first keynote – BackCT and proceedings

    Well, it’s raining here in Vancouver (anyone surprised?) and it’s about 15 minutes before the first keynote. Looking at the proceedings, there is not very much at this conference about game based learning, though there is a round table on the literature, but there is a fair amount on blogging and on portfolios. I had…

  • Elearn 2005 – Vancouver

    To any and all who may be reading this and are planning to attend the conference, we should be sure to get together and blog the conference.

  • AACE EdMedia 2005 DHS and SP

    In an effort to get more grad students interested in conferencing, I am part of a committee that organized the DHS and SP – Dissertation Help Sessions and Student Panels at the EdMedia 2005 Conference this year. Two of the three planners/organisers couldn’t make it (myself being one of the two), but the third, fearless…

  • Into the trenches

    I’m at the Canadian WebCT Conference over the next couple of days and even though the content of the presentations by in large is not really pushing the boundaries of what I know, it is doing one thing that a colleague and noticed. It’s giving us an insight into the trenches again. It’s showing us…