Tag: Conference
ELearn 2005 – Casting
BCIT in a project that saw them work together with an institution in Croatia took a look at what the addition of voice to their distance education courses would do. Based on Moore’s ideas of transactional distance (more flashbacks to the Masters work) and Garrison, Anderson & Archer’s work on the Community of Inquiry Model,…
ELearn 2005 – For the Masses
The interesting session for me this morning was out of the University of Hawaii (Eric Flower and Stacey Sawa). They created (in 2000) a light weight video conference/presence system based on RealProducer and RealPlayer for video streaming (unidirectional from the instructor) and communication back to the instructor is based on text chats that are used…
ELearn 2005 – Transfer is king
“Never Worry about Transfer Again–Six Strategies for Converging Learning & Work” was Allison Rossett’s keynote this morning. It was interesting because even though it was talking about strategies, it really concentrated tools that can help ensure knowledge transfer. Generally, if I got the idea of the presentation, what she was saying was that in order…
ELearn 2005 – Think about the future
Jonathon Levy’s talk “The Future Isn’t What It Used To Be: Why The Next Generation of Online Learning Resets Everything to Zero!” was very interesting indeed. Even though it was pointed to the corporate audience (and not very many of them raised their hand in the morning poll) the session was essentially standing room only.…