Tag: Brain Dump
Web2.0 Up to Speed
Via OLDaily, I found this post about how one can get into Web2.0 in terms of the classroom. Though I don’t have time to get into it, I don’t think Web2.0 as we see it now is going to be the “future” as much anymore, rather Web2.0 is seeding what will cause change around education…
When the media is the message – warning brain dump
Clark, Mcluhan and many others have being promoting ideas about media and message for a while now, but one thing that often gets overlooked (not by these two necessarily) the fact that there is a large cultural loading aspect involved in the delivery of messages. We see it everyday as we, in the developed world,…
Why is time slow today?
Well it seems that time has slowed down in the office today for everyone. Usually, it’s only slow for one person, but this is almost across campus. So it got me thinking… is it the weather (cold and grey)? The coming long weekend? Boring tasks? What is slowing time for us? It might be that…