Tag: Blogging

  • WordPress 2.0.6 no hitch

    Another flawless upgrade – it took longer to backup than to upgrade.

  • It Spams Shots Shoots & Leaves

    Well this is a multi-part quick post – the first part is just noticing the difference between the spams that are caught between the first part. It seems that there are no spams that SK has caught that Akismet hasn’t – so why have both? Just in case (I dropped the extra later after a…

  • Sp-ham!

    Well, it seems that I avoided the comment spams not to bad, but I’ve been getting hit pretty hard by some manner of trackback spam that SK2 should help with. They seem to be targeting my high def DVD and Vista 4 posts for whatever reason with all sorts of fetish oriented posts. I’ve been…

  • When your gadgets blog

    This was put out a few weeks ago, but I’ve just now got around to it. The Escapist writes about how there is a system that allows Xbox 360s to have a “voice”. In the article, the author, Mur Lafferty mentions that this is possibly a slippery slope to give machines voices. I don’t know…

  • Commercial Blogs/Profiles not AI the Route to Web 3.0?

    Well, this weekend I noticed that there are an increasing number of ads on the radio that are yaking about blogs… More Mo on Joe and all this other crap and companies like Burger King, movies like Jack@$$ et all having profiles on MySpace (edit 11/17 – TR article in the same vein). These Web2.0…