Tag: Blogging
What 2005 Brought
Well they say that you are not supposed to tell people that you are going to take a break, but I am (ha!). This will likely be my last post of the year – closing out my second year on the blogging scene (though granted the first year on Spymac was pretty poor compared to…
Blogging Basics Part 6 – Nots
I’m taking a break from building an ePortfolio to demo to a group here in the faculty and I came across two interesting posts on blogging – what to, or not to do. The first comes by way of Will Richardson by way of weblogg-ed and the second, which actually inspired the first is by…
Woot! I just hit 2000 hits. It seems like I’ve been attracting lots of attention from Hawaii of late – Hit 2000 was from there at 16:43:51 today. I hit 1000 hits back on August 31st. Thanks for popping by everyone. Any suggestions? -knowing that I’m in the dark anyway and there are likely few…
ELearn 2005 – Tuesday Morning
The first session that I went to was on online professional development. What they found in their study was what many already know – teachers don’t have enough time while learning and enough support after learning to implement anything that they may have gained from professional development seminars. They found no difference between many factors…
Blogging Research
Just thought I should send a little traffic toward a bit of research that is going on here. The LATI project is looking to help improve technology integration in the schools and in preservice education. Blogging is one of the vehicles that is being used to help with this. I’ve been helping collect some of…