Tag: Apple
Aperture 2 is out
Apple has got Aperture 2 out now. There is an upgrade price for us Aperture 1.5x users, so I’m thinking that the Education price on this is going to be pretty good as well. It looks like the minimum specs are about the same, so older hardware should be able to run it… not fast…
RYO Time Capsule
This is floating around the ‘net (digg et al) – if you want to use your Air Disk as a potentially slightly pokey Time Capsule, try this: defaults write com.apple.systempreferences TMShowUnsupportedNetworkVolumes 1 If you want to change your mind, change the one back to 0. But before you go ahead, back up at least that…
Serve up a virtual change of spots
You can now virtually (it’s beta) virtualize Leopard Server according to the VMWare blog. This is great news for all those people wanting to get more out of the XServes that they have already installed, especially for development and, depending on performance, production as well.
Apple and Blu-Ray
Pop-Sci just posted something I was talking to someone about over the phone – even though Apple has it’s hand in the Blu pie, the downloadable movie system takes the cake. It is HD out of the box and easy as pie to use, especially if takes less than a minute from order to playing…
iPod touch gains apps
From the Steve-note, the touch now has all the apps that the iPhone does.