Tag: Apple
802.11n Enabler “shipping”
It’s on the Apple store and for $2.49 ($1.99 in the US) you can have it as well (though you could wait a few seconds to see it in the wild on other channels, that would just be bad karma). It is “free” if you get a new Airport Extreme though. But it seems that…
There are more ubergadgets than anything else out there…
If anyone needs yet another piece of evidence that the mobile phone is something that will change the world, think about this number – 2.7 billion. That is the number of phones that are out there according to Allan Moore and Tomi Ahonen’s essay on Communities Dominate Brands. The essay points out that the generation…
iPhone Snapshot
Ok, there has been quite a bit of hype about the iPhone (that name will stick because Cisco actually lost the iPhone name last year it seems (ZD-blog)) and it seems that it might not be the same device we saw during the keynote once it’s out. This is my attempt to spin my own…
iPhone Locked Down? 🙁
It looks like the iPhone will indeed be locked down, following up on some comments over at D’Arcy’s blog.
iPhone hits Canada this fall?
According to a story on CBC this morning, and with Rogers already in partnership with Yahoo, I think it’s going to be fall at the latest.