Tag: Apple

  • Holy Stacks! Safari on Windows!

    Well, heck must be getting chilly, though if you think about it, iTunes uses much of Safari already, If you want to try it, check it out here. BTW, it seems that Apple’s really done their site some good by updating. Like I was thinking a while ago, it seems that Stacks from Aperture has…

  • ZFS coming to 10.5 – Time Machine shines

    C|Net has a story that ZFS is coming to the Mac. The coolest part about this system is that rather than having a number of drives showing up on your desktop when you plug in a stick or firewire drive, the system will just grow. Now, while I think this is going to be a…

  • Let’s go to the iTunes U Store

    I wonder if they will sell hoodies here (iTunes MIT Bio). This should be a good way to get some best practices established for podcasting and a way to gain support for the process if some bean counter out there needs to see if there is someone else doing it (not wanting to take the…

  • Spotlight on Parallels Coolness

    I just noticed this, so I don’t know how long it’s been there, but Spotlight will now find applications on the Windows side of a Parallels side. If it can find applications, I’m sure it can find files as well. You might have to suffer through Windows checking it’s file system – I did after…

  • More Jobsian fallout – Post 1000!

    Dale Hill has written his two bits on the comments made a few weeks ago by Jobs and Dell. Here is a clip that I think hits the core argument: Dell also blamed problems in public schools on the lack of a competitive job market for principals. Neither one of them brought up the fact…