Tag: 70-200
Picture of the Week – Light vs Dark
Light vs Dark Originally uploaded by idarknight One of the things that I learned shooting macro is that even though shooting wide open provides a nicely thin DOF while needing less light, there is often a need for the aperture to be stopped down in order to get detail across the entire subject that one…
Picture of the Week – Butterfly in Paradise
Butterfly in Paradise Originally uploaded by idarknight I’ve only ever seen Monarch Butterflies a handful of times growing up as they are not very common in Alberta – though they have been known to migrate into Southren Alberta. So when I saw them on the Island, I was quite excited to get one more shot…
Picture of the Week – Beach Grass
Beach Grasss Originally uploaded by idarknight Before I left for the Islands, I was hunting around on Flickr for shot ideas. Partially for inspiration and partially for information. I saw one shot of beach grass somewhere and thought that there was going to be no way that I’d be likely to find something so mundane…
Picture of the Week – Tale of a Whale
Tale of a Whale Originally uploaded by idarknight This may be one of those once in a lifetime shots. The actual experience, because we were so far away wasn’t really as moving as one might think, but seeing a 40t animal out there looking as if it’s no bigger than your thumbnail certainly helps to…
Picture of the Week – Sitting Tall
Sitting Tall Originally uploaded by idarknight This is from a set that I took earlier in the season, but I never uploaded. If I remember why, I was going to do it, but then got wrapped up in getting shots up that were representative enough to get an ID for as I didn’t know what…