This week, my family and friends are holding vigil with a family who’s father is a pillar of strength but is now looking at what may be his final days. So if you have been wondering why the posts have been sparse, the combination of late nights and busy days at work are to blame.
Those that know me, know that I am not a religious person. I believe that if there is a god, that it is so far beyond our comprehension that any of these rituals that we claim to perform for her are truly meaningless to any but those that are perform (and perhaps that is enough). But that the true power of this being is in something that comes from the acts of people, regardless of faith.
In the hospital room, there is nothing but warm thoughts and love and you can literally feel it, and if feels like there is a greater force there. One night it felt like there was a cold spot and that people were indeed looking over their shoulders. That day was rather somber as those in the room projected a quiet resolve not to let go of their friend, their brother, their father, their hero. Since that day, the mood has lifted and the laughter that has replaced the tears in remembering the times past have helped everyone, including the father who in reality is probably supporting all of us through sheer force of will.
I’m not going to say anything about finality (other than this) as I don’t think it’s that time yet and I feel that it may not come for a while, just like summer sunsets – providing golden glory for a very long time.
FYI – this is the first shot that I’ve processed from RAW (Sony SRF) using Aperture and I’m quite impressed at how good a job it’s done. Now I only have to find out if importing the iPhoto library will copy all the images or if I can get away by simply referencing the images from their current locations, creating a new dummy iPhoto Library and then on launch tell iPhoto to look for that library instead. Hopefully if that works, I’ll still have access to the print functions in iPhoto to order cards and the like. If you’ve tried this please let me know.
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