Starting out into the new…

With changes having happened at work, I am once again staring down the a potential change in career path. Unlike last time, I feel a little better about my “fail over” but that is almost like saying that I might accept a result that doesn’t move exactly the needles that I want. But that’s the trick… the change brought by every experience moves a needle somewhere. I just have to be aware enough to notice it.

The other new start is running. This two week flu/parainfluenza just eradicated me. Quite literally I feel like my Jr. High self asked to run out to Gyro Park for Phys.Ed. My last outing left me decimated. So I am building again from essentially nothing. Granted there is a better physical and mental “latent core” than when I started running decades ago, and it likely won’t take me years to get to a Pikermi but it will take time. It will take a new dedication for sure and some greater attention to notice what my mind and body need to get back in the game.






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