This summer, we roamed around Alberta. From Waterton in the south to Japser, Drumheller, and around Edmonton. Through all these travels, we made all manner of memories. Well at least three of us did. The little one didn’t but in making memories with him, I think there was something far more important happening. We were all seeing how this family that had been only three for so long functioned as four; and we saw how little smiles and giggles gave new energy to all of us. Spirit Island is one of those bucket list shots for me, and with Nut strapped to my chest, I managed to get a shot that I can’t wait to see printed on the wall. There is another print that I want – and it’s very much on the other side of this one. It’s a panorama of Lake Minnewanka that is a washed out black and white. I took that one when Nut was still on his way. We visited the mountains as a family to celebrate his impending arrival and a milestone anniversary for the grandparents. That’s another one that I want on the wall, and together, I think they tell quite a story of how a little change can bring all manner of life to the world.

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