Separating Networks

For the past year, since I’ve been on Twitter, I’ve been looking at ways to post to both should the need arise. I found several tools to do this – et. al. I had also tried the app within Facebook, but until this week, it never seemed to work “properly” for me.

I was generally happy with this setup as it allowed me to keep my largely professional network on twitter separate from my more personal network on Facebook. But with the news and previews of the new Facebook coming out last week, I decided to see if I couldn’t unify the two again in a more natural manner. So with a few permission tweaks, I was able to get my Facebook status to change with my tweets… I’m thinking sweets!

But then it hit me as I looked at a status update that was completely normal in Twitter look like a red nosed flying deer in Facebook – my two networks are almost completly exclusive of each other and while updates in Facebook might work fine as tweets, the reverse was not true.





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