One of the things that I encounter quite a bit is a fear from those who don’t quite understand the process of teaching and learning, especially when it comes to integrating technology, is that one technology intervention will be used at the exclusion of all others to deliver instruction. I try to explain to them that technology isn’t the big hammer that makes everything into a nail – it’s a bit of putty that needs to be applied carefully, allowed to set and then checked up on from time to time to ensure it’s still working. So in this vein, the recent educause white paper on podcasting offers some great insight and pointers.
Podcasting White paper
[…] Podcasting White paper (Via EDITing in the Dark.) Raj points us to this podcasting white paper from educause. After a quick skim, it looks like good stuff… at least for testing and refining your own thoughts about podcasts in education. I’m not sure this will break new ground for people who already get it, and I’m not sure it is an appealing introduction for those that don’t, but if you’ll be teaching others about podcasting (or you are independently curious about it) then it might be worth the read. […]
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