Picture of the week – Fall Berries

Fall Berries

Originally uploaded by idarknight.
Well now that the days have gotten short enough that I leave for the office and get into the office and start work before sunrise and getting home, I have maybe an hour of light left. Getting home after work yesterday, the temperature was nice, the light was great, so I went out to the lake to take a few pictures. I noticed that there were a number of geese, so I decided to take my 28-135 in an attempt to get some decent framing for the geese. I got a few of those, but they were still rather wide, hence my investigations for the 70-300 or the 70-200 + 1.4TC to get those shots.

Heading home, I spotted these berries on a tree and thought that it’s likely the most fall like scene I’d seen, so that is how it’s the Pic of the Week. The 28-135 isn’t an L, but it’s certainly sharp, throwing even more confusion into my mind as to which of the two (200 F4 L IS or 300 IS) lenses should be my next upgrade. I think I’m leaning more toward the 200 for it’s use as a portrait lens as well, but then again, the 300 is quite a bargain with 5.6 at 300mm vs 5.6@280 with a 1.4TC on the 200 being similar in speed, but the 200 will still go better for sharpness. Every time I seem to get my heart set on one, something comes up to suggest the other (most of this last week was the 200, last week was 300).






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