In recent weeks it seems that I’ve received much more feedback from within Facebook on my posts imported via RSS from here. I can’t figure out why there has been this sudden explosion in interest in my writing, but I’m thinking a change in how imported data is presented might be part of the reason. The other part is that there is a extra connection between me and the people who are my friends on Facebook. This personal connection certainly helps as there is a certain “karmic” (for lack of a better term right now) connection as the people reading my stuff know me from “just another blogger”.
The same thing seems to be happening from Twitter as well. People seeing that I’ve got new posts there might be more compelled to read my stuff because they have likely found other unrelated things I’ve posted interesting as well.
It seems that this personal connection is certainly important. In classic media, this was evidenced by the “trusted news people” like Walter Cronkite (RIP). Now with social media, it seems that earning that trust takes much more than doing a great professional job, it means making some manner of personal connections – ala Aston Kutcher.
So endith my brain dump.
Edit – this seems to dovetail nicely into some of the thoughts that Leopoldina Fortunati shared in Edmonton when she gave a talk to the MACT students on gossip and the nature of celebrity, neighbors and family.
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