May the Force be with you

If ever there was someone who would appreciate the ability to remix and remaster their work, it would be George Lucas. Afterall, for better or for worse, he remixed the original trilogy to “what he wanted to do in the first place” (kudos on all the Huttese, but what’s with the Han/Greedo scene??). Fans have also been hard at work remixing clips and images together to create an extended universe for the story. Most, if not all of this has technically been illegal as there has never been any permission given to reuse the intellectual property. But now, LucasArts is going to release clips and allow fans to create their own “reasonable” mashups/remixes.

If Lucas is serious about what he said about a year ago about the movie industry moving more toward the indy producer (not Indy) via digital production, this is certainly a way to encourage that move.

EDIT – this follows along the lines of this post I found many moons ago.





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