Fallback considerations for the Hackintosh

I’ve been pondering two things with relation to the Hackintosh. The first has to do with the “overbuild” of the machine. In OSX, I’m not to worried as the OS will likely be able to make use of the processor and video card through various Apple technologies. But if I can’t get the Hack to run, then I’m stuck with a very beefy Linux box. Not knowing that much about how Linux (specifically Ubuntu 9.04) makes use of the video card, I know that there is going to be overbuild in the machine (so I hope that I’ll be able to exchange the card for that reason).

Outside of overbuilding the machine and having hardware that I can’t fully exploit, there is the question of finding tools that are “as good as” the tools that I currently use on the Mac. I have found Lightzone to cover off Aperture, and kdenlive to kinda deal with iMovie (hoping to find filmgimp soon), so I should have my core functionality covered.

As I research Linux a bit more and see what I can do with the beefy video cards (ATI 4850 specifically). But one thing that I seem to have forgotten about while thinking about the Hack is the original “easy fix” the EFIX dongle. There are a few reports out there of people having success with this device, so I might think about using this instead of dealing with the Boot132/Chameleon process.






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