Facing Canada

The facebook phenomena is certainly growing in Canada (and elsewhere), I don’t think I’ve been able to survive even one news cast without hearing some reference to facebook. But after trying to find out if there is some way to the news feed that fb provides exported via RSS (great for them to trap people by requiring them to login to the system), I came across this entry on this facebook blog:

… a huge chunk of the explosive growth Facebook has recently seen in Canada (2 million Canadian users—or 10% of the Facebook population—and counting).

This is quite interesting to say the least. I wonder when Warner Brothers and the other studios are going to claim that the facebook nation is responsible for all video piracy because of all the Canadians – after all, we apparently pirate 50% of all the stuff coming out of Hollywood, not bad for maybe 1% of the world’s population. If we are all on facebook, and we all know Joe in TO who’s pirating movies anyway, that must mean that we all are… that reminds me, I’ve got to get a new monopod to mount my camcorder to watch Pirates with tonight it’s hard to see over all the other people using their camera phones, poppy quaters (in the comments here) and camcorders to do the same thing without one… ok that last part was a bit of a rant…





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