Category: Uncategorized
Why do the babies get all the attention?
A few days ago I was wondering why my Paradise Pier picture did so much better than my Minnie Mouse picture. As it turns out, it’s likely as much to do with the picture itself, it’s also about how Flickr evaluates images. Apparently in true social networking fashion, it’s all about how connected you are…
Storytelling and technology
This isn’t digital storytelling from the traditional (it’s more than a month old online so it’s ancient) definition, but it’s more aligned with interactive storytelling. Warren Spector, a great game designer has written an article in Escape about the new storytelling and how the new hardware might actually be a barrier and that to do…
More money that you don’t see
Well it looks like mobile cash is coming at the rest of the world faster now that Nokia has started to look into wireless wallets with some more vigor. I had a wallet function on my last phone, but it didn’t work anywhere, but now that we are getting the “tap n go” credit cards…
Pic of the Week – Together Forever
Together Forever Originally uploaded by idarknight. Well, I finally got all my pictures up online. You can see them here. One thing that I learned on this trip is that a razor thin depth of field is tricky to work with to be sure, but so is one that fits the subject exactly, so those…
Support your small developers
Well it seems that blogs are an effective way of getting the attention of small developers (and if you are one, you should be checking to see what people are saying about what you have created). In the past I was working with one developer that had created some reaction time software and the response…