Category: Uncategorized
Pic of the Week – Light my way
Light my way Originally uploaded by idarknight. Well, it’s been one heck of a busy week between life at home selling and buying a home and at work gearing up from a conference and starting up new staff. This week I got my first invitations to invitation only groups – don’t know what it’s real…
Disney Rose
Disney Rose Originally uploaded by idarknight. Of the many other things that Disney does well, roses are certainly one of them. They have a number of dual tone roses, this one is from everything that I’ve read is unique to Disney – well, it started here at least. Together with the Peppermint Rose next week,…
Moodle… it’s moore than a
One of the things that I have noticed at the conference so far is that Moodle, just as Doug had hoped it seems, is more than just a CMS, it’s a community and much more. But the question is; is all this adoration warranted? What happens when Moodle moves from the subdesk servers to the…
Try this again – ultra mobile and ELearning 2
Ok the first time that I tried to post with the ubergadet, it didn’t work because of a time out and I didn’t copy it out. I’m finding that being ultra mobile at a conference is the way to go as now I don’t have to worry about power for a laptop. Granted this is…
Bit of a blogging break
In case the 20-30 of you out there that read me on a regular basis are wondering, I’m taking a bit of a break – this week has been hectic with new IIP students joining my team, and now the MoodleMoot 07 conference. I should be posting again next week – and I’ll have another…