Category: (Ubiquitous) Computing

  • Oh nice… your family has a Grandfather Computer

    Reading this NYT article, it certainly seems that the day will be shortly upon us when one might expect to hear that, desktop PCs, at least in the home will be antiques that a few know how to build and a few more know how to setup. The rest of us will see them as…

  • Hashing out a song among tweets

    This is an interesting article, with an even more interesting quotable passage: After class, instructors can encourage micro-blogging to support relationships among the people from the class and to further their learning. Teachers post tips of the day, questions, writing assignments, and other prompts to keep learning going. Some believe that Twitter is even more…

  • MAS.968 – Call for Action – a mobile course

    I caught wind of this on one of the feeds while I was away, so I checked out the syllabus: Call for Action (CfA) is an intensive studio seminar on contemporary technologies and activism. How can mobile networked devices be used for social change, politics, and expression? Can Web2.0 techniques be applied to help to…

  • Dumb, smarter, or just enough technology

    Crunch Gear posted, asking the question – “are we heading into an era of dumb tech”. At first I thought it was another one of these “is Google making us smarter/dumber erer” posts, but it turned out to be a look at the devices that instead of doing everything in one gadget, they are doing…

  • DOTGO makes “dumb phones” smarter

    I just spotted this – DOTGO is a service that will return search results to your SMS enabled phone for “free”. I use quotes, because there may be ads later as there is a tab on the website for advertisers. Using it is pretty easy – txt a domain that you want to search to…