Category: (Ubiquitous) Computing

  • Another member of the digital addiction food group – the iPhone

    People have long talked about their Crackberry, and many iPhone users have known that a similar addictions to the “insta-stim” data stream that can be provided by their device, but now there is proof. Respondents used their device to replace their watches, they reported that they were more likely to forget their wallet than their…

  • Another couple of mobile medical apps

    I’ve posted in the past about interesting add ons to phones like the CellScope (NYT), resources like heart podcasts and docs twittering in surgery. But recovering from a cold this week, it struck me that there is much to be told on the part of the the noises that we make when we are sick…

  • Google Buzz First Impressions

    Well, I’ve got to try Buzz and I have to say that I’m underwhelmed. The system works well for sucking in content (sometimes quite delayed), it allows for content to be reposted to one’s Google Profile, but not back out the the original site. The interface itself is like Friend Feed, but lacking the links…

  • Facebook mobile dominates mobile web

    According to the BBC, Facebook mobile dwarfed the rest of the mobile web in usage with 2.2 billion minutes and Google and Microsoft pulling in a combined 600 million minutes in December. If you look at this UK data combined with the PEW data from earlier in the week it really suggests that the 17-30…

  • My Android App List

    Running 1.5, and not knowing when/if/how I’ll be getting 2.X via Telus and needing to have a phone that can do what a ‘berry does has taken some digging and I think I’ve almost got it. Here’s what it took to get my ‘droid to about the same place as my ‘berry – and further…