Category: (Ubiquitous) Computing

  • Zii – Stem Cell Computing

    Another pass on from a colleague this morning – Zii is a new processor that uses the ideas or theme (at best) of stem cells to configure different types of processors as needed. It certainly is an interesting idea, and it it comes to fruition, it will certainly put old Creative Labs back ont the…

  • The DS scores again

    After cooking up a storm, one might want to settle down with a good book right? So Nintendo has come up with 100 Classic Books. While it might only be available in the UK (and therefore for UK DS units?), it certainly bodes well for all manner of additional non gaming applications for the Nintendo…

  • 2009 Predictions

    Whoa… 2008 saw me put up almost a thousand posts, not to shabby. But I think that would have been higher if I wasn’t able to tweet at least a few of the things that would have otherwise been given a one liner post. And as I see the calendar is almost ready to show…

  • Gmail and Facebook tops for Post Sec students

    Not that I’m going to take a marketing document as gospel, but marketers are certainly motivated to find ways to get “in” and prove that their widget is the best. So when I saw this out of eROI, I thought, well of course an email marketer is going to be pushing email, but looking at…

  • Nintendo’s roll keeps on rolling

    No, this is not some new financial news, it’s an observation about how the DS seems to be, along with the Wii, an amazing device for Nintendo. Just today, Crunch Gear reported that there will be a number of eBooks coming for the platform. These will be able to join the cooking resources that are…