Category: (Ubiquitous) Computing

  • Thinking different – mLearning and the breezes of change

    Last week, as the brain was melting down, I spotted these interesting posts, and over the weekend, I got half the chance to read them and put together this interesting idea in my head – what power can the attention of the world have on some mode of action that is waiting for a champion?…

  • White Space… the Wifi Frontier

    This could be an interesting development (passed along through a colleague in the office), should it ever come to pass. The use of the unused digital spectrum to transmit data to personal devices could be a great way for the US to move forward on Obama’s idea of getting the entire country online ASAP. This…

  • Google Latitude… Big Brother or Bother?

    There is a slight chance that some of you might have missed the news over the last 24h from Google – they are now tracking you! Using the new version of their mobile map client, Google has given users (and itself) the ability to track, using GPS or manual location entry, one’s location via its…

  • 2009 Horizon Report

    I’m sure some of you have seen mention of this (or the Comment Press version) around the ‘net, but for those who haven’t and who can’t be bothered to log in to get to the report, I’ve pulled out the highlights – this is also handy for those non Edu-folk who read, looking for insight…

  • Ubergadget Pico Projection

    I had dug out at the start of the of year, the details of a phone with a built in projector. But I don’t think too many people were going to trust in a device from a company that has no “cred”, so what about the same idea from another unknown? How about Samsung? It…