Category: (Ubiquitous) Computing

  • Quick stories are destroying conversation

    Quick stories are destroying conversation

    I’m in the middle of reading (listening to actually) Turkle’s Reclaiming Conversation and it seems to be a continual stream of examples describing just how the brevity of phone based stories (messages, social media, images) had had a significant impact on the way that quite literally billions of people communicate. I mused about this earlier…

  • My 2012 Predictions

    Hello?? Is this this on? Moses, it’s been a while since I posted here, but I thought I’d at least get some thoughts down as how my predictions for 2011 went and to share what might come out in 2012. So here are my ideas for 2011: More mobile – who really cares what the…

  • Letters of the Revolution

    I know, this is going to be an odd post to fall under change management, but if you think about it… what is going on in the Middle East and North Africa is really an interesting exercise in that… but odd thoughts aside. It occurred to me while chatting with my brother this morning that…

  • C64->Wintel->Mac = BB->Android->iOS

    Well, I finally did what many people thought I would do a couple years ago. I got an iPhone. Why? Well, we’ll get to that, but first, I want to share just how struck I’ve been with my personal progression on the desk/laptop computing arena is mirrored by my mobile progression. My computing story started…

  • My 2011 Predictions

    Well 2010 was certainly an eye opening ride for me, moving between institutions not of my own will and looking to a future that may or may not include academia. But for all that, it has provided me with yet another way of looking at technology and the way that it is used to educate…