Category: Tech Co.s
Something chilling is up
Not that the presentation that I wrote about last week was really predicting this, but the rumour that is running around that suggests that Telus may be moving to GSM! (GN). So that convergence to a single 4G technology in Canada is certainly a reality. Why is this something that came to light today? Well,…
ZFS coming to 10.5 – Really this time
I’ll let related posts find the other ZFS post, but it looks like ZFS is almost ready for Mac as it has entered a beta according to ZDNet. With this and Drobo, storage could be much simpler within a year or two as photos and videos start to take much more space on the average…
Yahoo shortcuts Google
Well, this is something that Google doesn’t have yet – a plugin set that leverages it’s tools. Yahoo Shortcuts is a plugin that will allow you to import all manner of Yahoo content. Personally, I think the only ones that would be useful are Flickr and News, but that is just me. In reality when…
Bad Rogers II & Copyright
Well, it seems that Google isn’t overly happy with what Rogers did either when it plastered it’s own content on the Google search page. Between this and the new copyright bill, it seems that the Harper government is leading Canada down a cloning road to match the conditions in the US. Thankfully, the copyright bill…