Category: Tech Co.s
Photoshop Express
Well, it may have been a response to all the free image editing software that is out there right now, but Adobe has extended the beta (and made free) for Photoshop Express. So it seems that Picnik and the like have some competition again.
Our Stories
This one came to me through a colleague. Google, Unicef and OLPC have got together to bring the small stories of the world through a project called Our Stories. From the site: The Our Stories™ project helps people share the stories of their lives, no matter where they live or how their stories unfold. We’re…
Expensive, disposable Air
People have commented that Apple is not the first company to use Air – remember wanting those Nike Air whatever so bad as a kid? – and Apple has also been accused of creating disposable pod-ucts… so what about the Macbook Air – well, according to this Newsweek staffer… is as well.
Google maps supports Multitouch on any Mac Laptop!
If you have a Mac laptop – or any other laptop – try this – go to Google Maps and pinch/expand your fingers with the cursor somewhere on the map and watch what happens!
Worldwide Telescope
When this shows up, it it supposed to be better than Google Sky.