Category: Tech Co.s
Holy Stacks! Safari on Windows!
Well, heck must be getting chilly, though if you think about it, iTunes uses much of Safari already, If you want to try it, check it out here. BTW, it seems that Apple’s really done their site some good by updating. Like I was thinking a while ago, it seems that Stacks from Aperture has…
ZFS coming to 10.5 – Time Machine shines
C|Net has a story that ZFS is coming to the Mac. The coolest part about this system is that rather than having a number of drives showing up on your desktop when you plug in a stick or firewire drive, the system will just grow. Now, while I think this is going to be a…
Minority Report Commeth
A few months ago, I wrote about Bumptop and Han’s work and now (via D’Arcy) comes Microsoft Surface. If these two interfaces get together, things could really change for how computers are used and could fast track even greater penetration of ubiquitous computing.
Google Calendar Mobile has arrived
It certainly took long enough, but the big G has got it’s butt in gear and given the world mobile access to it’s calendar. With any luck mobile broadband will continue to get faster and cheaper so that an online calendar acts almost like a local one, until then, I think that this will largely…
Dell-vil and the Evil Empire
This hit the news this morning – Dell will sell cookie cutter machines from WalMart. Knowing that there are many evil empires out there, this marriage made just below the umpteenth circle of Hades will certainly make things interesting for how computers will get into classrooms. From what I heard on the CBC story, one…