Category: Teaching
Is this how we get people to love learning?
It’s back to school for most people this week and between all the stories of what has been done to limit the students ability to really be themselves. In some schools, there are dress codes that limit or eliminate hoodies, backbacks and cargo pants – because of security – cell phones – god only knows…
Plagiarism or collaboration
Sometimes I wonder if there is any way to really differentiate these terms as there as some people who think that even being in the same room as someone else working on the same project would constitute plagiarism. I have some personal experience with this as in my first undergrad a prof who told the…
Systematizing Play
One of the assignments that I gave to my students when I was teaching my grad class was to take a look at what games actually taught them and map a lesson to a game, using the ladder as an analogy or scaffold. So when I saw this post, I was stoked – someone else…