Category: Social Creatures

  • More traffic from Facebook, building from Twitter.

    In recent weeks it seems that I’ve received much more feedback from within Facebook on my posts imported via RSS from here. I can’t figure out why there has been this sudden explosion in interest in my writing, but I’m thinking a change in how imported data is presented might be part of the reason.…

  • More thoughts on the Info Pyramid

    Stephen Downes noticed my post among others yesterday with regards to the info pyramid. He commented that there was “still no learning” even though I offered an alternative. In my defense, I am of the mind that one can learn from just about anything, but more to the point, the consumption of information at home…

  • Info pyramid

    There are pyramids for everything that suggest ways and means to be the best at whatever they are describing, but this one from Wired caught my attention for “optimal consumption of media”. It might just be me, but I would think that it would be far more valuable to have at the base of the…

  • Relationships important for success

    While this article by Bergin & Bergin (Attachment in the Classroom – DOI: 10.1007/s10648-009-9104-0) talks about students in k-12 and their attachment to parents and teachers as an important part of what it takes to succeed, it might be logical to extend what they say into higher ed as well and perhaps using social networking…

  • Facebook is now allowing custom sharing

    It looks like people will be able to choose how their status updates and other published items are shared. This only makes sense after the Vanity URL move because right now, it makes no sense to send people to your URL unless it is to make it easier to find you. With this, you now…