Category: Social Creatures

  • Purdue and the Back Channel

    While it is only experimental, Purdue is starting to test how to make use of the “back channel” in a lecture in the form of an application called “Hotseat“. The students seem to like it. “Hotseat is turning out to be a nice innovation. I’m seeing students interact more with the course and ask relevant…

  • Mind the “socio-learning divide” and while you’re at it, get out of myspace!

    While bumping across feeds and tweets this morning, I came across this article – Get out of MySpace! (Norah Jones, Haydn Blackey, Karen Fitzgibbon and Esyin Chew – doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2009.07.008). In the past I’ve commented that students don’t really like having the “tower” come into their online social space. ECAR had article on this and I…

  • Update from the broken interwebs

    I originally put this as an update from my previous post, but then I figured that it would be better just to post it on its own. It all seems to be a direct attack on a single user of both services (Wired): CNet, citing Max Kelly, chief security officer at Facebook, says this attack…

  • Help! The Interwebs are Broken!

    I remember way back in the days when search engine home pages were not reliable, when Yahoo! or MSN was down, people thought the entire net was down because they didn’t know how to input URLs. Now I don’t think much has changed in the last 5-10 years in terms of how many people use…

  • Sexting in the news again

    This time, BBC has picked it up again in two stories (first, second), just in time for parents to start thinking about back to school (at least in North America). While many of the other stories that I’ve brought up here talk about how it is essentially no different than passing notes in terms of…