Category: Social Creatures
Marshall McLuhan’s Tribes and Our Echo Chambers
A quote that Brain Pickings dug out suggests that Marshall McLuhan didindeed predict Social Media: These new media have made our world into a single unit. The world is now like a continually sounding tribal drum, where everybody gets the message all the time. A princess gets married in England and — boom boom boom!…
Save the world! And learn a few things doing it
EVOKE trailer (a new online game) from Alchemy on Vimeo. I spotted this in OLDaily and it certainly looks interesting. It also has a supporting site. I might just have to find a way to make time for it.
Four Weeks on Foursquare
Getting back from the winter break, I had heard quite a bit about a social media game called Foursqaure. I had seen some activity from the game in my Twitter feed toward the end of 2009. But just as I returned from vacation, I spotted this on Mashable, so thinking if it is good for…
LG and txt education
It is nice to see when a company tries to get out ahead of an issue that it knows could be problematic with it’s products. The brewers and distillers do this with drinking and driving, the pharmaceutical companies do this with drug interactions and now cell phone makers are starting to do it with txting.…
Google Buzz First Impressions
Well, I’ve got to try Buzz and I have to say that I’m underwhelmed. The system works well for sucking in content (sometimes quite delayed), it allows for content to be reposted to one’s Google Profile, but not back out the the original site. The interface itself is like Friend Feed, but lacking the links…