Category: Social Creatures
2008 Predictions
This is one of the few last posts of the year as I take a bit of a break and as has become tradition, here are my predictions for the coming year and a review from what I said last year. So here we go. Social Systems Advertising Buyout Search I think that this coming…
is is gone in Facebook … again
Well it seems that Facebook has a new way for status updates (on the site only… not on Mobile). They still have “is” as a default, but you can now delete it if you wish.
Another Kinder’s Kinderlappy review
The BBC has a nine year old’s review of the XO. What is the ultimate kicker? But the real surprise came one evening, when Rufus asked me to explain what his friends were telling him on the laptop. I thought those imaginary childhood friends from years back must have returned. But I went and had…
Another Gaming Addition Story
I’ve posted before the results of a study that found that gaming is not clinically addictive, but that not withstanding, I can certainly understand the concept of “game lock” , which is essentially a temporary obsession on a particular game. This can happen with anything. I know that I’ve been “yard locked” as well, while…
On being a student 24/7
One of the things that I’ve been telling people when they ask me about how useful social networking might be in terms of it’s use in/within academia is that instructors have to be careful not to get too close to their students. This is a general rule and often part of the code of conduct…