Category: Social Creatures

  • Business model for Twitter?

    This is not the official model by any stretch of the imagination, but over the weekend I was thinking about some of the ways that one might define a social networking site, thinking that the key part of any SNS is that the user gets to be themselves and “freely” gives of themselves as they…

  • Who was/am/will I be?

    With all the pros and cons floating around about Twitter, I finding that as much as anything else, it is an interesting tool to drop a suggestion into my usual echo chamber – and if I can get more than one idea out of the chamber’s soundings, that means that there might be something to…

  • Extending my ISSOTL thoughts

    Am I ever glad I copied this before I posted: Emerging from ISSOTL, I had some time on the train, so I took advantage of one of the apps that I just downloaded – Viigo – to read some of my feeds while I was waiting/riding. A few articles caught my attention and so this…

  • How is Facebook worth so much when…

    it is so tied to having to login? Well, likely to view ads… But really – for most of the people that I know, facebook it really just the container for scrabble and all the social networking that drew them in so many months ago is what you do while waiting for your turn to…

  • Coursefeed

    I knew this was coming – a plugin to BB or FB that allow information to move between the two. Coursefeed will really start to play with the minds of instructors who are already treading into uncharted waters that bring school content into a personal/social space.Having played with it, you can seemingly peek into any course and…