Category: Social Creatures

  • Learning in the Family – Mom Reigns

    I came across a new report funded by BECTA and commissioned by Intuitive Media Research Services. It has some interesting findings, top of which is that kids are turning to Mom at home for tech help (nothing wrong with that). Here are some of the key findings: 92% of children said they used a computer…

  • Tweaching

    This question came up over the last week that I’ve been working on a poster for an upcoming symposium – how you ever convince students to follow their prof on Twitter or any of the other microblogging services? My answer to this was a non committal – I don’t know, first we have to convince…

  • SocialScope

    Yesterday I grabbed the opportunity to try out a new Twitter/Facebook app ont the Blackberry – SocialScope. It is so much faster than Twitterberry and Twibble and runs all day without draining the battery that even in an early alpha, it is a no brainer to use. It does just about everything that Twitter allows,…

  • 2009 Predictions

    Whoa… 2008 saw me put up almost a thousand posts, not to shabby. But I think that would have been higher if I wasn’t able to tweet at least a few of the things that would have otherwise been given a one liner post. And as I see the calendar is almost ready to show…

  • Google’s Search start to go social

    It looks like Google’s rolling out elements of social search – the ability for users to increase or decrease the position of results and to make comments as well.