Category: Social Creatures

  • Pendulum Swings

    I remember when Social Media erupted and now there are signs that the shine is off. Looking at my own writings on this this here, you can see all manner of posts regarding Social Creatures. This week has seen, in addition to Elon decimating Twitter’s ranks, layoffs at Meta. The root of this? It seems,…

  • So Twitter is [ ]

    Facebook is also facing head winds. I remember when it started, and this week it falls over (perhaps). So it seems that the classic content driven modes of sharing (blogs, messaging) are coming back. Granted this may be an artifact related to Tik-Tok, but we are certainly in a time of transition in technology and…

  • It’s starting things that’s going to get harder

    As we are now some 70 days into the “at home” paradigm, and with some elements of the economy and society opening up things are moving toward a sticky turning point. For parents helping their children “learn from home” are dealing with screen fatigue with the novelty of life through video chat erodes. For children,…

  • P&E

    … pre emptive dump (When I first started this) Over the past few weeks, I’ve been in wedding/vacation/travel mode. The experience was great as an opportunity to disconnect from many of the stressors and facades of daily life and making connections and being present. In my teaching world I’m a massive proponent of face to…

  • The value of Edutainment

    What the heck? I’m posting more than once a year to this blog? Yeah I know… whacky eh? Well after leaving the ivory tower, and spending time in the snake oil sales environment of private industry (at least for what I was doing), I’m back developing content, delivering that content and reflecting. The biggest difference…