Category: Resources

  • List of Online Video Apps

    I was asked to make a list of these, so here are a list in no particular order: motionbox muveemix graffiti mojiti Cuts movie masher eyespot jumpcut I wonder why they are almost all labelled with lowercase…

  • Gamemaker

    Why am I posting on my blog holiday? Well it’s not for any other reason than there have been small amounts of dead time in front of the screen – anyway – so I spotted Gamemaker last night in my zombie mode inspired hunt for some cheezy way to make an intro for my speech…

  • Microblogging with Twitter

    I’ve mentioned a few things about Twitter in the past, referring to it as a microblogging platform, but as with any growing Web2.0 app/platform, there are changes coming. TR has an interview with Evan Williams – the one behind Blogger – going over what his plans are for the service (well a couple of thoughts…

  • Podcasting White paper

    One of the things that I encounter quite a bit is a fear from those who don’t quite understand the process of teaching and learning, especially when it comes to integrating technology, is that one technology intervention will be used at the exclusion of all others to deliver instruction. I try to explain to them…

  • Cheating online

    The second pre-service session is by John Krutsch, Senior Director, Distance Education, Utah Valley State College on academic integrity. Again, this is going to be one of the blog as I go posts. I’m hoping that the other session that I was interested in – how is your faculty PD. I’ve sent Dan over there…