Category: Resources

  • Sketchcast

    I don’t know how this post got lost today, but there is now another ‘cast app out there – Sketchcast allows those doodlers out there to get their point across in it’s “Native” format. Handy for some to be sure.

  • Lens testing

    Have you ever wondered if the lens that you are thinking about buying is going to be any better than the one that you have in terms of center sharpness (assuming your body and lens like each other perfectly), check this out. So if I’m thinking that the 70-300 USM IS might be the lens…

  • Quick tips for managing online persona

    C|Net has cribbed together a good collection of points. I think overall, you can sum everything up as follows – view everything that you have posted out there through the eyes of everyone else who would want to use it for good or bad. That being said, you can’t live in fear of what might…

  • Smacking about PPT

    While following my flying tradition this weekend, I picked up my customary copy of Wired and found a couple of really interesting articles, the first is about Pecha Kucha (Wikipedia) that suggests that any presentation be given in 20 slides that are on for only 20 seconds each. I’m going to try this for my…

  • More on Collective Intelligence

    I wrote that Jenkins mentioned collective intelligence in one of his talks at the start of the month and today, I came across another mention of CI in my RSS. Kevin Kelly wrote about CI in one of his books (Out of Control chpt 2) and has written some more about it now – that…