Category: Resources
Idea Sex – yeah the title got my attention too
Leave it to The Escapist for titles like this now eh? First from the article: No.2 … Keep the classroom, but change it and everything around it. Make the money in education slosh a different way. Have schools, colleges, communities, businesses and all other parts of the education system talk to each other a little…
I just got my invite to take a look at Sprout, an interesting little widget builder that can take a number of resources and make them “flashed” – essentially you could use this to replace PowerPoint or Keynote if you want to deliver webcentric presentations. If you combine this with Yahoo Pipes or custom feeds…
Why not Vodcast
Wes has a post today that talks about storytelling and dual coding, this got me thinking about a meeting yesterday that I was in where part of the discussion was about vodcasts and what use they may be. I suggested that a vodcast that had the instructor “dancing around the room” was likely of little…
Another look at reading
It seems that reading is the theme of the day. SLJ looks at this NEA document on the decline of reading.
Podcast/Podpost resources – huh?
Thanks to a colleague on campus here for passing these two resources along. The first is Poducateme, a resource for using podcasts in the classroom, with American legal considerations, but there is also a Legal Guide for Canada via the Canadian Creative Commons people. At the meeting yesterday, a rather interesting point came up about…