Category: Resources

  • Girls Vs Boys

    Freakonomics spotted this today, a SciAm article about a paper published in Neuropsychologia (Douglas D. Burmana, Tali Bitanc, James R. Booth, Sex differences in neural processing of language among children, Neuropsychologia, doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2007.12.021) (PR, Huehueotl, Scientific Blogging, Science Daily)  that throws fuel on the fire for the gender in eduction debate, suggesting that girls learn language…

  • Technology Conference Calendar

    I remember it was a bear putting together a list of conferences last year for a funding proposal. The year, I think I’ll use this – the THE EdTech conference listing. You can search for events by location as well so if you want to “confrenciday” you can find your destinations much easier. 

  • It’s the product, not the process… but what if the product is a process

    C|Net has an interesting interview with Chris Heatherly from Disney. At one point he refers to innovation: I think too many people confuse innovation and technology. I have seen a lot of designers try to make a mediocre concept innovative by putting Bluetooth or some other whiz bang technology du jour in it. That’s not…

  • Short Video ideas

    Ok, so it’s a Dream CMO video (vote for him! – this is totally unsolicited!), but it uses props in a way that I’ve seen before, but in a very effective way (hopefully the video stays up for a while) and tells quite the story in only 45 seconds. I’ve helped classes do 2 minute…

  • Web2.0 Up to Speed

    Via OLDaily, I found this post about how one can get into Web2.0 in terms of the classroom. Though I don’t have time to get into it, I don’t think Web2.0 as we see it now is going to be the “future” as much anymore, rather Web2.0 is seeding what will cause change around education…