Category: Resources

  • Cyberbullying very common for school aged teens

    Jaana Juvonen and Elisheva F Grossof UCLA have published a paper (J Sch Health. 2008 Sep 6;78 (9):496-505 18786042 – DOI: 10.1111/j.1746-1561.2008.00335.x) in the Journal of School Health that suggests almost 3/4 students have experienced at least one instance of bullying over the past year. The conclusions that they arrived at there is a need…

  • Query on the spot with Kwiry

    I’ve been playing with GPS services and location based microblogging – using SpotJot – for almost a month now, and so when I came across Kwiry, it almost answered a question that I almost had formed in my head – How do I get more than my GOOGLE text info on the spot…can I combine…

  • WOW – “Kids” are using Science

    Clearing out my stared items, I caught this story from Wired – How Video Games Blinded Us With Science – that talks about Constance Steinkuehler and Sean Duncan’s work (Scientific Habits of Mind in Virtual Worlds) that examined the discussions of WOW players and found that 86% of the conversation was targeted at at figuring…

  • Photoshop Express

    Well, it may have been a response to all the free image editing software that is out there right now, but Adobe has extended the beta (and made free) for Photoshop Express. So it seems that Picnik and the like have some competition again.

  • TTP on TXTbooks

    The Teaching Professor has a couple of articles this time around regarding textbooks. The first, talks about how to help students use the textbook more effectively (students using and instructors using texts “properly”, what a novel idea!). The second is about what using the text really teaches students. From the first article, there are four general points that are…