Category: Picture of the Week

  • Pic of the Week – Scandanavian Tree Spirit

    Scandanavian Tree Spirit Originally uploaded by idarknight. I finally got out to get some new shots this week. Between Heritage Days and taking shots for my wife’s upcoming dance competition, I’ve been taking a fair number of people pictures. I’m somewhat hesitant about putting people pics up (permission and the like), but regardless, I had…

  • Pic of the Week – Sleepy

    Sleepy Originally uploaded by idarknight. This is how I’ve felt coming back up to speed this week – the time flew by and I actually managed some sleep, but it’s all kinda cloudy in my head.

  • Pic of the Week – Bring it on!

    Bring it on! Originally uploaded by idarknight. It was quite story at the start of the week and there was enough lightening that I could catch this without much effort – I wonder what happens if a hybrid gets hit by lightening?

  • Pic of the Week – Looking for Lunch

    Looking for Lunch Originally uploaded by idarknight. This is a crop off my dusty, trusty, year old 28-135. With all the wildlife around, I’m really starting to want for a 70-300 USM IS or a 70-200 USM IS L. If I get the latter, I can use an extender to get to almost 500mm, so…

  • Pic of the Week – Baby Bunny

    Baby Bunny Originally uploaded by idarknight. This little guy is hiding out under my front step – just larger than my hand. There are a fair number of raptors in the area and one that I know is big enough to cart this little guy off for a lunch. I’ve got pictures of the smaller…