Category: Picture of the Week
Pic of the Week – Dali’s Clock
Dali’s ClockOriginally uploaded by idarknight. Well, with the weather warming up, everything is starting to melt and the kicker is that it’s raining outside today. The last time that I was in the rain this winter? London. So I thought this was only appropriate.
Pic of the Week – Arc de Triomphe
Arc de Triomphe Originally uploaded by idarknight. Even though there is no snow in this picture (though the locals were saying that it was “so cold!”), this was likely the most dangerous driving location that I saw while we were in Europe. It is also absolutely amazing to see the size of this structure… but…
Pic of the week – Space Mountain Orbiter
Space Mountain Orbiter Originally uploaded by idarknight. Well, this one got picked because it’s my latest Explore. It might also be one of the last of MS sucks up Yahoo and messes with Flickr. Hopefully that doesn’t happen. Of all the Tomorrow/Discoverylands that I’ve been to, Paris certainly has the most imaginative and colorful. I…
Picture of the Week – Sleeping Dragon
Sleeping Dragon Originally uploaded by idarknight. This is certainly the most unique feature of the Disney Parks. The Dragon (Malificent?) that is chained up beneath Sleeping Beauty’s is an amazing anamatronic. It moves, it breathes and awakens every now and again. It’s easiest to shoot when it’s still as it is so dark as to…
Pic of the week – Light on her feet
Light on her feet Originally uploaded by idarknight. There are a handful of Paris icons, The lady of iron lace is certainly one of them. This picture is straight out of the stitching software, so there are no adjustments made yet. I’ve finished all the stitching and now I’m almost ready to get through to…