Category: Picture of the Week
Pic of the Week – Snowbirds II
Snowbirds II Originally uploaded by idarknight Well, in part because I haven’t been able to get out to shoot much since getting back from Jasper and in part to honor the pilot and photographer who dies this week in a training accident, I’ve decided to post this. I mentioned that shooting the Snowbirds in the…
Pic of the Week – Westjetting
Westjetting Originally uploaded by idarknight Well, a few hours early, but as I would normally post early Friday morning and considering that tomorrow I’ll be in transit to Toronto (on Westjet to boot), I figured that this is a good shot for the week. Using the UWA out a plane window was a really amazing…
Pic of the week – ‘tater flower II
‘tater flower II Originally uploaded by idarknight This is from the last set that I took before I cleaned my sensor, and you can see that there are some obvious spots. Shooting macro or ultrawide outside you’ll have pretty small apertures, so the spots are going to show pretty bad. But you can see how…
Picture of the week – Elk I
Elk I Originally uploaded by idarknight After a short scare – several tables powering the blog had failed for some reason or another (they say traffic) and repair table table_name; didn’t work… but did only after calling support, we are back online. This shot is from last week – and is one of those on…
Picture of the week – Orion’s Belt
Orion’s Belt Originally uploaded by idarknight This was from a couple weeks ago, but seems to reflect this week – dark, kinda noisy with some cool streaks and details that will only come out with patience.