Category: Learning
Deconstruct to find the story
A colleague in one of the courses that I support sent this (Clark IE, Romero-Caldero ́ n R, Olson JM, Jaworski L, Lopatto D, et al. (2009) ‘‘Deconstructing’’ Scientific Research: A Practical and Scalable Pedagogical Tool to Provide Evidence-Based Science Instruction. PLoS Biol 7(12): e1000264. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1000264) out to a group of us today. Not being…
Mini Games
I spotted this on OLDaily – and looking at the conclusion… Mini-games are fast becoming an effective and relevant method to deliver game-based instruction. They should no longer be considered as just simple quiz-style games embedded in a conventional course to break up the monotony of the information. While they certainly can be included in…
Immune Attack
Meant for High School Biology, Immune Attack seems to be another in a long line of resources that, if nothing else, engages students in a topic and presents material to them in a way that they have some control over. What I like about this, is other than the theme, this isn’t “edutainment”. It’s a…
JSB – Learning in the Digital Age
Teaching the ‘net generation – Brown looks at how pedagogy has moved (or has it?) from knowledge transfer to social models of learning that encourage and indeed rely on the participation and even play on the part of the students and move the instructor from the role of the ultimate authority to one of “content…
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