I’ve posted in the past about interesting add ons to phones like the CellScope (NYT), resources like heart podcasts and docs twittering in surgery. But recovering from a cold this week, it struck me that there is much to be told on the part of the the noises that we make when we are sick and that phones can be used to help do more than talk to a community health nurse that tells you to go to the hospital “if it gets worse”. Sure enough, there are. TR (I haven’t quoted them for a long time) had a story last year about the potential to diagnose depression and out of Australia, a story about icough, an app (funded by an award from the Gates Foundation).
So why would these apps help medical training? Well not everyone is an M.D., with so many other health professionals out there, it makes sense that they should have all the tools they need to make an informed diagnosis.
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