Symbian thinks that the PC has flatlined

C|Net reported last week from the Symbian Smartphone show that Nigel Clifford believes that with all the growth that the developing world has seen with regards to mobile phones and computers that phones are the way to go (think about it this way even if you don’t believe them, phones and computers are almost the same price). The failing point right now is that battery technology is going to struggle to keep up to power demands.

The other issue, as noted last week from the conference can include the costs and other social considerations. So while you may have a Blackberry or an E62 or Moto Q that will do everything that your average laptop will do and take pictures on top of all that as well, those around you are still getting used to the idea that the phone is not being used in a disrespectful (and not obviously disruptive) manner. I still get looks every now and then when I use my phone to take notes (I was seeing this quite a bit at conference as well).





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