This afternoon I was tasked with coming up with a Faculty plan for dealing with the impending threat of flu. After much searching, I came up with the follow chunk of codified common sense:
Planning Ahead
- Consider using eClass to store your course materials (or Moodle if you are teaching in Computing Science), use online resources instead of physical reserve books from the library
- Consider bi-weekly or monthly learning objectives for your course to help guide others should you be unable to present part of your course
- Consider exams/assignments that can be handed in electronically and/or backup dates for exams/assignments
- Ensure all students are aware of their University email account at it will be the official means of communication should there be a disruption to the course
- Ensure a complete syllabus is available in an electronic form through eClass or Moodle. The syllabus should include a guide as to the topics to be covered and their order. This could be used by a colleague to help move your class through material should you fall ill.
If the instructor is ill
- Contact your departmental HR and advise them of your condition,
- Suggest an individual who you would prefer to help cover your course material. If no backup instructors can be found within the department, contact Faculty of Science HR to try to find a backup individual.
- Advise where you were in your course.
If the students are ill
- Adjust or remove deadlines for assignments/labs/exams.
- Consider allowing students to submit materials online via email/eClass
- If students feel uncomfortable attending class in person, contact Faculty Support for help setting up discussions, podcasts or virtual classrooms.
Of course, just as I get this put together, I decide to do one more search and I pull up Duke’s CIT plans. Very similar, so I’m happy I was on the right track.
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